Monday, September 13, 2010
Decisions Decisions!
Wow guys. The die has been cast. The ball is rolling. The moon is in the seventh house. Basically what I'm sayin' is that a decision was finally reached! We have a place for the 20 year reunion! As some of you may have heard, this was not an easy thing to do. Keep the prices low and hold the event in a rented tent on the outskirts of Highlands, and you risk people turning their noses up at the idea of a $3 weenie roast while you sweat in the July heat to the tunes of Duane Stevenson's boom box. Set the price too high and...well, the seven people who can afford to attend walk away with not just memories of the other six people, but how does one drive home with their own ice sculpture?!?
Based on input from those who participated in the survey the reunion committe sent around, we were able to find a place that will hopefully be classier than the Baytown Roller Rink (The one with the wooden floor - you know the one I'm talking about) and the Waldorf Astoria (Not sure I spelled that right - never been there...never will). This year's event will take place at the Crowne Plaza in beautiful H-town on June 25th.
We're still working on a price, and I'd hate to throw out a wrong number that would cause either laughter or a desire to jump from the Fred Hartman Bridge. I'd bet it will be around $60 a person though.
"What's in it for me?" you might ask. That price includes dinner, dessert, the location, security, a bartender, decorations, a DJ, mailings, and a few other things I can't seem to think of right now. I'm hoping that "memories of a once-in-a-lifetime event" factor in there somewhere too.
It all adds up quickly, but believe me we've tried to keep costs low. How do we plan to give you a good time and not charge you $100 each?
*Cheap fun and games - We'll be asking everyone to make a photocopy of their butt at work and then we'll play "Guess That Classmate".
*Limited chairs - This won't be a problem, as several of our single guys have offered to let the cute single ladies sit in their laps - hot, open-minded, married ones will be permitted as well.
*Provide our own maintenance people - Matt Albus and Larry Hurta have agreed to keep both the mens' and womens' bathrooms shiny and clean throughout the night. (Tips are appreciated though!)
*Chicken Fry II - This time there will be no one that can tell us we can't write "Official Breast Tester" on our aprons, damnit!
Just kidding. Stay tuned for further developments as well as some upcoming "Classmate Updates". See you at the reunion! Mike Gill (blogging for the Reunion Committee)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Where, When, and Will You Go?
I think I mentioned it in the blog before, but we committee folks really are worried about the time crunch of getting this thing together for next summer. June is a popular month, so a lot of places are slowly filling up with weddings, quinceneras, reunions, and even the annual University of Houston Paper/Rock/Scissors Showdown! Today I'm going to post a link to one of those annoying survey sites employers like to force you to complete, but we really would like for you to take a minute and honestly answer the ten questions. We will not post your grade, and none of the questions ask for your weight! We need your help because we are finding a lot of cool places, but some venues are smaller than others, some more expensive than others, etc... It's just hard to know what to plan for since we don't know what people want or how many are interested in coming. If we don't hear from enough of you, we may have to go with "Plan A" which is to assemble a few tents in the Tastee Treat Parking Lot, rent a few port-a potties, and park a taco truck across the street (It will, of course, be a BYOT event - Buy Your Own Taco). Anyway, take a minute to answer the questions. Looking forward to hearing from you - Mike Gill (blogging for the reunion committee)
Click here to take survey
Click here to take survey
Monday, June 21, 2010
Less Than a Year Away!
Well folks - this may make you feel old, but I'll be the one to break it to you.....Your 20 year high school reunion is just around the corner! It is less than a year away. What began as just a few folks commenting on the need to get together has finally grown into something a little larger and YOUR reunion is now being planned. The date is tentatively scheduled for June of next year, and a venue is now being sought out, but there's lots more to do. Don't like others in charge of your destiny? Well, get involved. How? Join us to help plan the event. Become a follower of this blog so others can see that their classmates will be in attendance. Help us get the word out about the event by sharing this info with friends, or helping us get in touch with people we can't seem to find. And best of all...participate by contributing a few silly photos or stories. Check back to this site for new information about the event, ways to help, and even classmate updates. Please let us know what you think through either this blog, with the committee though our newly-created e-mail address (, or get in touch directly with me through either Facebook (how ashamed I am to say that I have a page) or my personal e-mail address ( Get in touch and check back soon. - Mike Gill (blogging for the Reunion Committee)
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