I think I mentioned it in the blog before, but we committee folks really are worried about the time crunch of getting this thing together for next summer. June is a popular month, so a lot of places are slowly filling up with weddings, quinceneras, reunions, and even the annual University of Houston Paper/Rock/Scissors Showdown! Today I'm going to post a link to one of those annoying survey sites employers like to force you to complete, but we really would like for you to take a minute and honestly answer the ten questions. We will not post your grade, and none of the questions ask for your weight! We need your help because we are finding a lot of cool places, but some venues are smaller than others, some more expensive than others, etc... It's just hard to know what to plan for since we don't know what people want or how many are interested in coming. If we don't hear from enough of you, we may have to go with "Plan A" which is to assemble a few tents in the Tastee Treat Parking Lot, rent a few port-a potties, and park a taco truck across the street (It will, of course, be a BYOT event - Buy Your Own Taco). Anyway, take a minute to answer the questions. Looking forward to hearing from you - Mike Gill (blogging for the reunion committee)
Click here to take survey
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