Well, to be fair to the folks who scrambled to pay before the May 15th deadline, we need to raise the ticket prices as promised. Some of those folks told me they actually made some sacrifices to get their payment in on time and it wouldn't be cool if they did it for nothing. We are almost at 100 tickets sold, which means we are almost two thirds of the way towards breaking even! We still need to sell some tickets though, as I'd rather not have to pay for the last third myself!
One reason we set May 15th as a day to raise prices was to encourage people to pay early since we had to make a large payment to the hotel and we on the committee didn't want to have to dig up all that money out of our own pockets only to have to wait until the end of June to be repaid. Another reason was to help judge what we can and can't do. we delayed raising ticket prices because your committee was engaged in heavy talks about moving the venue of the mixer, possibly scratching the picnic, and possibly even replacing the DJ with Frank Kotlarz, a bottle of Boone's Farm and a karaoke machine.
Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and all is still on track. We've also chosen to raise ticket prices only an extra ten dollars; however....if you are one of the 100 or so people who we were unable to contact and have JUST now learned about the reunion, please contact the committee through the www.rss1991@yahoo.com e-mail and we'll see what we can do. There were also a few people who were having trouble getting the PayPal site to work properly, so if you are one of those people, please contact us.
The bottom line is that we want you there. We will be sending out more info regarding the wheres and whens in the next week or so. We'll also be asking ticket buyers to provide us with some info to help us plan the evening, so please help us out by responding with your opinion. Finally, keep pestering your classmates. We'd love to pack this place with old friends you know and the new ones you'll meet. -Your Reunion Committee
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